There are more resources related to COVID-19 in the "Priests Only" section. Please click HERE to proceed.
There are a variety of liturgical resources available through the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions website. Feel free to preview the resources and use what may be helpful. The resources have been collected in a single page on the FDLC website.
Many have asked for the petitions which were used during Pope Francis’ liturgy last Friday. They may be found on the Vatican News website in multiple languages.
English or ENGLISH PDF Spanish or SPANISH PDF
Liturgy Training Publications (LTP) has planned a number of virtual gatherings for the next few weeks. Our offerings include a number of virtual conversations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic (topics include liturgy, music ministry, and Christian initiation), a virtual Way of the Cross, and a Holy Week Virtual Retreat. Each virtual gathering is free, but space is limited.
For more information,
At this link, you can find other free downloadable resources from LTP.
Questions can be directed to LTP Training.
Liturgical Press has issued a document that can assist families to celebrate Holy Week at Home. These resources are prayerfully prepared and not intended to replace the liturgies of Holy Week. Rather, they are a sincere effort to cultivate some of the tiruals and spirit of Holy Week in homes when the public celebration might not be possible.
Michael Poadel of the Diocese of Garyand Eliot Kapitan of the Diocese of Springfield
have published several Prayer Services that can be used by families gathering as the Domestic Church. He has given permission for them to be used. They contain ideas for families to bring alive the celebrations in their homes along with prayers and readings.
The Archdiocese of Manila has produced a document that includes family celebrations of Holy Week and the Triduum at home. The introduction states: " We are presenting for the benefit of our faithful Family Celebrations of the Holy Week and Easter Triduum with two options.
a. following the live streaming of celebrations with some suggestions of rituals
the members of the family can do at home
b. prayers/celebrations led by the head of the family following the Easter Triduum
Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest.
We go back to the experience of the early Church when Christians gather to worship at home. This is an opportune time to encourage families to pray at home.
Family Celebrations of Holy Week and Easter Triduum at Home
Reminder of the Fundamentals for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick -This document provides basic information on the Sacrament of Anointing from Canon Law and the Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum, as well as the March 20, 2020 Decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary on Plenary Indulgences. This document was reviewed by the USCCB Office of Divine Worship. Click HERE to download the document.