Catholics who care about their faith may want to choose for themselves or their families a counselor who is a Catholic who is participating in the sacramental life of the Church and who is faithful to Church teaching. Some secular counselors while competent may pose, because of their worldly values, a spiritual danger to the Catholics they serve.
The mission of Gratia Plena is to provide mental and spiritual health services to address
mental illness, addiction, marriage/family problems and the spiritual distress that often accompanies them in a manner which is faithful to the teachings, values, and traditions of the Catholic Church.
We want you to celebrate your life. But we understand that emotional pain and broken relationships can steal your joy. Our purpose is to journey with you to joy—the true joy that comes from our Loving God. Whether you are broken, feel bound, or fear the breakdown of relationships, we believe there is always hope and God wants a better life for you. He wants to lead you to a place where you will rejoice in your life, as well as your marriage and family. As Catholic counselors, we will journey with you towards healing, freedom, and stronger relationships—this is what we call the journey to joy.
Everybody enjoys stories with happy endings (unless, of course, you prefer Shakespeare’s tragedies). We like happy endings too. But we get even more excited about happy beginnings. We are here to help you take the next step–maybe even your first step–in your own journey to joy.
Rejoice in the Lord always
Remain faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church
Exemplify the highest standards of professionalism, while still having fun
Be voices of compassion, hope and faith
Never leave a client alone on their journey
Support the needs of pastors and parishes, to make their pastoral care plan even stronger
Stay true to ourselves and place our unique talents at the service of the Church
Live as apostles of joy and empower our clients to do the same
Rejoice Counseling Apostolate