The Ongoing Formation of Priests Committee hosts the biennial Convocation of Priests in the even number calendar years. This is an opportunity for ongoing formation, continuing education, fraternity and relaxation with brother priests. It is a time that is set aside for rejuvination and renewal in the midst of one's brothers.
Each convocation has its own theme. Sometimes the theme is at the request of the Local Ordinary while at other times the theme is based on the request(s) of the local presbyterate. The Ongoing Formation of Priests Committee tries to meet those requests with a convocation that is both informative and experiential.
Some of the past themes have been:
Priestly Life and Vocations Summit: FISHERS OF MEN (2008)
Intentional Presbyterate: SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP OF PRIESTS (2010)
The Sign of the Times: Facing the Challenges of the Day (2012)
Reconciliation and The New Evangelization: Priest as Reconciled and Reconciler (2014)
We welcome ideas from our brother priests. Please contact a member of the committee with your idea(s).