The Ongoing Formation of Priests Committee is a standing committee of the Archdiocesan Secretariat of Clergy Formation. Its task is to provide ongoing formation opportunities for the priests assigned in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. They sponsor lectures, workshops and conferences that provide information that assists the priests to continue their development in the areas of theology, scripture, homiletics, and pastoral care.
Rev. Nicolas Ramirez, Director
Rev. Clint Ressler
Rev. Dat Hoang
Rev. David Michael Moses
Very Rev. Eurel Manzano
Sr. Gina Iadanza, MSC
Rev. Justin Cormie
Rev. Stephen Bart Reynolds.
Rev. Victor Perez
Very Rev. Norbert Maduzia, Jr., E.V. - Consultor
Mr. Adam Brill - Consultor - Ex Oficio